User Agent 字符串描述 :

Galaxy 1.0
GalaxyName :
1.0Galaxy version
enLanguage Tag, indicates the language for which the client had been localized (e.g. menus and buttons in the user interface)
en = EnglishEnglish
Mac OS X 10.5.6Operating System:
Version 10.5.6 : Leopard
U Security values:
  • N for no security
  • U for strong security
  • I for weak security
enLanguage Tag, indicates the language for which the client had been localized (e.g. menus and buttons in the user interface)
en = EnglishEnglish
Description:Web browser for the TraOS Operating System
First visit: 2009.04.19 10:11
Last visit:2015.11.04 04:45

All Galaxy user agent strings